onsdag 12 november 2014

Larp Women Unite - a quick summary about current affairs.

Writing in English so that this will be more accessible to some people interested in the nordic larp scene.

This summer I started the Facebook Group Larp Women Unite after Linnea Risinger had the idea. At this point I had been a larper for about 12 years, after really getting into it in 2002. I'm the woman who brings up the subject of domestic abuse and sexual abuse at most social circles I am in and after a while I breached the subject in the group. And out came stories. So many stories.

Kristin Nilsdotter asked the group if any would be willing to participate in an article she wrote about the conversation and on november 3rd the article was out on Spelkult.

Ett dån av vittnesmål (A roar of voices, kinda. Use google translate if you can't read Swedish).

After this article got published there was a Larp Women Unite - Norway and a Larp Women Unite - Denmark set up. Unfortunately we have too many members to rename our group Larp Women Unite - Sweden.

A lot of larpers also go to the Week of Middle Ages, a city festival in Visby on the island of Gotland. The organizers where contacted by enthusiastic people and today they came out with a message that also references the article on Spelkult:

Medeltidsveckan agerar mot sexuella övergrepp (Middle Ages Week acts against sexual abuse)

I like the power of the message. They state they have already started the practical work and that their intent is both to do preventative work as well as show empathy with any past victims.

Tomorrow, there is said that the radio show Verkligheten (The Reality) on Swedish radio P3 will report on the subject.

Friends are telling me to celebrate. I think that will have to wait. I'm still deeply invested in work that is not finished. Working for victims.
The police has been contacted in some instances, by some very brave women. There has also been prices to pay. Some have been contacted by people from their past.  But there is a lot of support to be had. And we are all learning, growing stronger.

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